Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hello! It's snowing outside! Okay, so that may sound like a good thing, but seriously. It is bitter cold here.
   So, tonight, I went to my old church's Christmas pageant. It was so cute! There were kids in bathrobes telling the Christmas story and I loved it.
   Well, I've been thinking about God lately. lol. So surprising right? Okay, to be specific, I've been thinking about how He takes the poorest people and ends up blessing them in unbelievable ways.
   Example? Well, so I was reading about Elizabeth a day or two ago. She and her husband were really really old. And they still had no kids. So, in the olden days, that was like, unheard of. You had to have a lot of kids. It was most of your wealth. Anyways, so these old people were ancient and they still had no kids. So God comes along and says, "Hey, just so that you know, you're going to be the happy parents of one of the most famous men ever to exist." 
   And David. He was just a Shepherd kid. Not much. But God takes him and makes him king over his country and in the lineage of Jesus.
   And Esther, she was just an orphan. And God makes her queen and she ends up saving a whole race. 
   I think God's cool like that. Just some thoughts.
   Hey, I'm listening to Sara Groves right now. Specifically, "He's Always Been Faithful". I adore this song. I could listen to it all day long. Check it out. Stinking, gonna-make-you-cry awesome.
   Well, I have more to say, but I have to go. I'll post soon if I have time!


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Wow Sarah! You are wise beyond your years. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see a young gal like yourself really seeking the Lord. He will bless you so richly for it!!

I'm so glad that you all are here for a visit! And sorry about this bitter cold's typically sunny & 75. know better than that but anything to make you want to move back!!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

No! She can't move back! Mine! You can't have my friend!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

lol, Josh, so selfish! ;) you gotsta share the wealth... hey did you see the pictures I put up of all of us?

Anonymous said...

lol, yes indeedy deed I did

Live4him said...

yeah i'm pretty much the best sheep out there! ;)

Sarah Elizabeth said...

You really were! It took A LOT of talent to be that sheep... ;)