About me...

I suppose it would be proper for me to tell you about myself so you know a little about who you're spending this time with. Who is this odd person? What is she thinking? And why don't her socks match? Well, grab a cup of coffee and let's chat.

Firstly, I have a relationship with the most perfect person ever (ahem, Jesus). I find it to be The Great Privilege to be able to be with Him every day. He and I go through everything together, we laugh together and cry together. He's brought me through dark times and I quite enjoy serving Him.

Doing work on the mission field is probably the thing that makes me happiest. I have relished sinking my toes into the red Ugandan clay as I hold the children in the slums or in the orphanages. I love walking through the village and seeing the paradox of brokenness and unquenchable hope in the eyes of  those who live there. I am beyond excited about my upcoming Ukraine trip and working with the special needs children there. I hope to one day open up an orphanage and care for hundreds of orphans, showing them the love that God has shown me. I also hope to adopt many children and have a home filled with many different colors of people!

As far as my other passions go, the worship ministry would be near the top. When I first felt the Lord's leading there, I thought He was crazy! I can't play an instrument and the thought of going on stage petrified intimidated me. My heart has always been for worship, but leading it is another matter. Nevertheless, God works in mysterious ways and has placed this dream in my heart. I hope be attending Bible college in the near future to study leading worship.

I have several whims: colorful, mismatched socks, the smell of old books, watermelons, rainy days, office supplies, gummy worms, and nice smelly things, just to name a few.

Overall, I'm a spirited person. I'm naturally drawn to broken things/people. I'm nowhere near perfect and shall never claim to be, but I love to love people and nothing satisfies me more than a good chat over coffee on a rainy day, sharing ideas, feelings and thoughts.

So join me in my writings, my friend. Grab a blanket and a warm beverage and let's swap stories and dreams as our paths cross for at least a little while....