Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Long time, no see!

Hello, hello hello! So sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything! So, let's update, shall we?
Since we last talked, I returned home from Kansas, safe and sound. Well, almost. About four hours after we pulled in the drive (3:30 am Monday the 29), I was vomiting. I had the stomach flu. Great. So when I decided to come out into the family room, I soon discovered that my brother, Chris had it too. So, we spent the day lounging on the couch, sleeping, watching T.V. and feeling sorry for ourselves. All while feeling awful and puking our guts out. Nice. It got worse when my mom turned on the food network. Guess what was on. That Giada girl. You must understand, I looked awful. My hair was gross, I needed a shower, I was in my p.j.'s and looked just pathetic. So it didn't really help my self-esteem when mom turned on Giada, with her wonderfully smooth skin, beautiful hair and perfect everything. I don't usually feel ugly, but I did in those moments. Thanks mom. Love ya. Well, luckily, I was only sick for a couple days. There IS a bright side! ;)
Let's see. What else has happened? Not much. Oh! I went to the store and spent some Christmas money. I bought an awesome new pair of socks. In fact, I'm wearing them as I type this! Seriously guys, what's better than crazy socks? Not much, my friends. Not much.
Anyways, I had some thoughts to share, but I forgot them. For those of you who know me well, this is no surprise at all. ;)
Well, I have no interesting things to write. I just wanted you guys to know I'm still alive and well. So since I have nothing interesting to write, I'll let you go. I'll check back whenever I have something to write! Love ya!


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Girl, if you think watching Giada is bad on the self-esteem at your age (sick or not) wait until you are 40!! I want to throw my TV out the window when her perky self comes on! Though she's so sweet and makes such yummy food that I can't help but watch. *sigh*

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Haha, Lori, you're so funny! I shall try to cherish my youth, but just for you! ;)