Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh Florida...

Haha, I know some of you back in Kansas (ahem...Lori) are suffering in the cold. I'm so sorry. It must get old being cold. Well, my dad and lil' sis are juicing some oranges that Micah and Cassie gave us (They have fruit trees in their back yard. They give TONS of fruit and guess who gets most of it. Yeah. Us). We have bags and bags of citrus. Tons. So daddy and the small fry are standing and juicing oranges and I was thinking that while we're here juicing oranges in our shorts, you Kansas people are all bundled up making ice cream from the snow. *haughty smirk*
Anyways, I have been gone a lot of the day. I went to babysit some kids from church. It was so fun. These kids were a breeze. Oh the wonder. So, we all played pirates. I made eye-patches for all of us and we made a treasure map and went on a treasure hunt around the house. We went past the Mermaid Lagoon, through the Black Forest, into the Cyclopes Cave (and slayed the Cyclopes), and on to to Fox's Lair. There, we found the treasure. A box of crayons and costume jewelry. Yeah, I know I'm the best babysitter ever. If you need your little tots watched, I'm your gal. Call me.
Well, I think I'll go join the fam in juicing our refreshing citrus. ;)

P.S. Hey, Lori, I don't think I ever gave Angela my blog address. She wanted to check it out but I never got around to showing her while I was there. Can you give it to her, please?


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Ok, enough with the citrus bragging Sarah! I have a cabinet full of raisins and...well, fresh from the box raisins!

And I can wear shorts if I really want to! Ok, I'll have to wear long johns under them but so what!

Now I need to reveal something...I desperately want you as a daughter in law (some day) pick which boy or I'll adopt another one if you don't like the current selection. Let me know.

I will give Ang your link.

Love you!!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Lori Gardener, you crack me up.