Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Wild God

Hello, there, friends! Not much is going on around here, but I do have some stuff I've thought about and I wanted to post it before I forgot.
I've heard people say things like, "He's/she's/I'm still new to the faith...", talking about Christianity. And I was thinking it's funny that they say that, because, I too am still new to the faith. And I always will be new to the faith. This is because my faith is always new and changing. And the reason for that is because God himself is always doing new things. That's what I love about this whole Jesus thing. He's always moving and alive. Things don't stay the same. Well, He stays the same, but I mean what He's doing and where He is. The fact that he's always doing something new. He's so wild in that sense. I love it.
I love the scene from The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe (the book). Lucy has asked if Aslan is safe. She says she'd feel rather nervous meeting a lion. And Mrs. Beaver says, "That you will, dearie, and make no mistake, if there's anyone can stand before Aslan without their knees knocking, they're either braver than most or just plain silly." Lucy says, "Then he isn't safe?" Mr. Beaver answers, "Safe?...Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you."
Who said God was safe? Who said He was tame? I never see anything about that in the Bible. God can't be tamed or contained. And He is not safe. But. He is good. Very good. He's wild and dangerous, but He's unfathomably loving.
So this is one of the things I love about God. He isn't some boring guy with a beard sitting up in heaven. He's like the wind. No matter how hard you try, you can't tame him. He doesn't stop moving. It's such a refreshing thought to me. Dang I love thinking about it! ;) It makes my heart smile...
Well, I hope this has renewed your spirit as much as it has mine. Whew! That was fun to me. Anyway, I'll let you go about your day now. I'll write soon!


Anonymous said...

These little blurbs about your faith in God are some of my favorate things about you Sarah. They show your heart for Him and how much you care.

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Thank you, "Mr. Teakettle"! I should help you make a blog; I think it'd be more interesting than mine. ;)