Saturday, February 14, 2009

Celebrating My Singularity...

Happy Valentine's Day, my dear friends! May it be filled with looooove. ;)
So I was thinking. Another year gone by, I'm still single (lol, as it's always been). Most would be very perplexed by this scenario. Very, very disappointed. But, I thought to myself, why should I be? I should enjoy my singularity and embrace it. I mean, I have no boyfriend to worry about. I don't have to worry about if he's cheatin', I don't have to worry about getting him any presents, I don't have any commitments to him, because he's nonexistent! I mean, really. Why shouldn't I be happy? Being single is fun, people, it really is.
So then I got to thinking even further. About how God is my lover. I mean, He's been romancing me since...ever. He's been wooing me with His love for ages. Sheesh, He died so He could be with me! He gives me beautiful sunsets and bright stars (which He knows I adore). He gives me a loving family and the best friends ever. He keeps me safe and if I'm ever hurt, He's always right there to help me. He's always showing me His love.
Why He loves me, I have to clue. Heaven knows I'm not a faithful lover. I busy myself with other things and sometimes, I don't even give Him the time of day! But still, He says, "I love you" with every breath he takes. Amazing.
Anyways, so these are my Valentine's Day thoughts. If you're single and reading this, enjoy today and don't feel like no one loves you. Because Somebody does, very much indeed. Happy Valentine's Day!

P.S. I almost forgot. I came across this amazing song. And there's a video on Youtube about it. So here's the link. Check it out, you won't regret it.


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Sarah! How do you do what you do? You have such a great way of writing the most wonderful things. I can't even begin to imagine where God will lead have so much talent and such an obedient heart. Wow! God can really use a girl like you for BIG, BIG things!!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

AW! Lori, you make my day with every comment. You're the best.

Kasen Luv said...

I love this Sarah and it helped me get through today. I have to tell you the story so please call me!!! I don't have your number so I can't call you!!! Love You