Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Little giggles and Valentine's Day

Hellooooo again! Sorry it's been a while, but I've been pretty busy. So, I'll just tell you what's up here.
Last week, I babysat these two little girls from church. Our parents were going out to dinner, so I went to their house to babysit. Let me tell you, these two girls are so polite and sweet. Just precious. The oldest girl is eight and the youngest is six. Here's a conversation we had at the table eating our dinner:

Youngest girl in mid-story: "...and I had to go to the bathroom."

Oldest girl solds softly: "Ania, we don't use that talk at the table, it's not proper."

Youngest girl smiles sheepishly: "Oh, sorry. I mean, I had to use the Ladies' Room..."

Haha, I love these girls. Since our parents didn't get home until after the girls' bed time, I got to put them to bed. It was so cute. I said good-night to them and went downstairs to clean the kitchen, do the dishes, tidy up and such. My sister came along for this whole thing and decided to "sleep" in their room for a few minutes (Yeah right, Small Fry). So I stood at the foot of the stairs and could hear little whispers and muffled giggles. As I made my way up the stairs (to get Hannah), I could hear frantic/excited whispers, "Oh, she's coming! She's coming!". If you know Hannah, you probably already know for sure that it was her causing the commotion. ;) It was a fun night.
The next day, I went to a Valentine's party that me and a group I belonged to was hosting. All in all, it was kind of a lame party, but I had a good time. There was food and some fun games and I had a fun time anyway.
So yesterday, my grandparents came to visit from Kansas. I spent about three days cleaning and preparing for them to come. They're staying in my room (which double as the guest room), so I had to make sure it was spotless. I assure you, my room fairly sparkled. Last night, we went out to eat at a barbecue place in town. It was good. We always have a great time with my grandparents.
Well, I'm going to go eat lunch now. I haven't eaten yet today and I'm pretty hungry. Sorry! No deep thoughts or interesting observations to speak of today. :( Maybe later. Anyways, I'll try to write soon! Love you guys!

P.S. How do you like my new page? Nice, huh? Oh! Hey, Lori, where to you get your fancy-shmancy blog templates? I'm stuck with default ones while you and Miss Linn and everyone has really nice ones. Do you get yours at a special website?


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Hi Sarah...could you arrange for those sweet little girls to give my boys a few lessons on what is 'proper' for the dinner table? I'm sure you understand.

Email me at klgardner87@aol.com & I will send you the link for FREE blog templates!!

Love ya!

Sarah Elizabeth said...
