Sunday, March 1, 2009

A day in the Life...

So what is a day in the Slankard household like? Well... if you were given a day-long tour, you may find....
Me sitting lazily doing my school,
Hannah running around in boots yelling "The Campfire Song Song",
Chris studying the dictionary,
Dad counting out chocolate chips to see how many are in a cup,
Mom making phone calls,
Me making cross-eyes at Hannah while she's supposed to be doing school,
Chris chasing Hannah around the neighborhood in Indian attire (no kidding. Loincloth, war paint, the whole nine yards),
Me, Chris and Micah jumping off the roof onto the trampoline,
Mom scolding us to stop playing loudly because the windows are open. To which, I reply that the neighbors already think we're crazy. She has no comment. She knows it's gospel truth ;) ,
Me attempting to write my book in peace (as if),
Dad whistling while doing his office work,
Chris belting out a strange rendition of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot",
Me skipping about the house,
Hannah yodeling as loud as she possibly can,
Me reading a book on totally useless information,
Chris coming out of his room rapping,
Hannah breaking into song and dance randomly (I'm serious. Her life is a musical. For real.),
Me bursting into laughter for no apparent reason,
Chris lifting Hannah above his head in triumph and commencing to throw her onto the bed,
Hannah trying to dress Petey (our little dog) up as a princess,
Me mourning because my drawing doesn't look like the real thing, 
Everyone laughing at Hannah
Everyone laughing at Hannah because she farts every time she sneezes, laughs or coughs. 
and last but not least,
Me Chris and Hannah making ridiculous threats to each other (such as, and not limited to the following: "I'm going to throw you in the sewer" or "I'm going to throw you up into the sky" or "I'm going to make you take a bath in the street")
Yes, in the Slankard household, you'll hear phrases like, "Chris, get your legs off my head!" or "Hannah, you shake that booty and it'll get whipped." or " does that taste? My foot taste good to ya?"
Yes, we're quite strange. Good or bad, we haven't decided yet. But all I know is this: Normal people...are boring. And I don't like them. 
At my house anyway, it's never a dull day, I suppose. ;D


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

That settles it. I'm movin' to Florida because you guys are just having way too much fun without me! My hair will never forgive me for the humidity but I'll just deal with it.

And you're writing a book?? PERFECT! Pre-order me a leather-bound copy please. And make sure you sign it! I can't wait! :)

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Yay! The Gardener's are coming! Yeah, my book's nothing spectacular, just to warn ya. But I'll send you a copy if you want...

Anonymous said...

wow sarah that was quite intense i almost broke a sweat just reading it!

Mike said...

That was an awesome post Sarah!!
I remember your Dad counting out the chocolate chips and I am still laughing... everything else I can totally picture (except the war paint and loincloth, and I don't want to picture that!!).


Thats awesome :) sounds just like my house!! I've never really met you before but you've commented on my blog some so just saying hello and my names Emma :)

Kasen Luv said...

Yes that is so your house. But you mustn't forget that on accession there is you wrestling me to the ground fighting for my phone!! LOL I miss you and the fun times that we have had, but....I cannot lie I am growing accustom to Kansas. Miss you and want to hear more of your hilarious stories!