Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hey friends! So sorry it's been a while. It's been a rough time, to be honest. I don't think I would've been my chipper, quirky self anyway. But, here I am! I'm back.
I was chatting with God the other night about what's been going on and some hard things I'd been going through. I just sat there on the sidewalk, arms around my knees pretty much blabbering my face off about my problems.
Sometimes, it seems like God is distant. Like He's up in the heavens when He's down here with us, with me. That's how it felt in that moment. But all of the sudden, I looked over to the side and I could picture him there; eyes full of understanding concern. I felt His presence, for just a moment. It was quite lovely. I knew I wasn't alone.
So I kept talking. I saw a star in the sky which I imagined to be the northern star. It probably wasn't, haha, but I imagined it to be. And I thought, God, please be my northern star. Lead me home. Lead me where you want me.
Finding God's will is so hard! But I just have to trust He'll show me. If I don't, where am I then? Lost. For me, there can't be any other choice but to trust. 
Well, I have more to say, but I have to go. I just thought I'd drop by and say hey and that things are going well.  I'll write asap! :)

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