Friday, May 8, 2009


Hello there!
Today, I went to the doctor. Yeah, it was weird. I haven't been for a checkup in about five years. What's funny, is I'm actually healthier than I should be. Haha. I had to get shots. Now, as a child, I hated shots with a passion. I would cry and cry. But these days, I am proud to say, those shots were nothing against my utter composure and bravery! ;)  Although, my arm does hurt quite a bit now. haha. My little sister had to get shots too. She cried and I felt really bad for her. My mom played the whole, "This won't hurt a bit....". Yeah, I know. She's so cruel. ;) She said, "Look, Sarah didn't even flinch, you can do it." Yeah, I'm courageous. ;)
And! Afterward, we got ice cream. Oh yeah. 
So, I've been thinking lately (this is where people around me always go, "Uh oh....Sarah's thinking...") about why the Bible places so much emphasis on eyes. Why? Why eyes? 
Genesis 3:5 "For God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened..."
Job 42:5 "My ears have heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you."
Psalm 101:3 "I will set before my eyes no vile thing..."
Proverbs 4:25 "Let your eyes look straight ahead..."
Revelation 4:8 "Each of the four living creatures...was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings..."
Why eyes?Why does God warn us all the time about our eyes? Why is it so important? Because, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be filled with darkness."
The eye is the gateway to our minds, to our hearts, to our souls. Whatever comes through our eyes goes to our minds, to our hearts and so on. 
Why is breaking an addiction to pornography so stinking hard? Because once it enters the eyes, the image engraves its self on the hearts and souls of those who view it. The eye is the lamp of the body.
This is why we have to be so careful about what we look at, friends.  Because once you look at something, no matter how short of a time, it's already in your mind. You can't dump it out again. 
In today's society, it's hard to be careful. Sensual images are everywhere; on billboards, on our soap commercials. I feel sorry for the guys who try to keep their minds pure. It's hard for me already. It must be so hard for them! 
But if we want our hearts to be filled with light, we must be careful at what our eyes see. If we aren't, we'll be filled with darkness.
On another note, my mom was relating an observation to me the other day about my terms of endearment for you all. She thinks I sound rather cheesy with my whole "dear friends" and "loved ones" and all. Sorry if it seems that way! Haha. It's not a lighthearted term, though! You all are dear to me. I seriously love you all. I can't think of anyone who reads this blog that I don't like, unless some jerk I don't know is sneaking on here. ;) But for real, when I say those things, I mean them. Even If I do sound cheesy. haha.
Well, I have to go eat dinner. I hope to write soon! 

1 comment:

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...


I had to get a shot today too!! Lucy has been soooo worried about me! She keeps asking me if I'm alright and that it will get better. And she asks if I'm sad because I had to get a shot!! Seriously, it wasn't that bad but I truly appreciate her compassion! SOOO CUTE!