Thursday, June 11, 2009


I'm coming to Kansas!!!!!
My wonderful grandpa called me today and said he'd like to bring me home for my birthday, knowing I want it a lot. I was ecstatic! God answered my prayer. I do love Him. Sometimes for very selfish reasons, unfortunately. lol
Yay! I will have so much fuuun! And to you in Kansas, we definitely need to get together, for sure. I'm coming August 4th through 18th. So exciting! Happy sweet sixteen to me! :)
Well, I gotta go! Be back soon!


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

YIPPEE!!! I'm so excited! We will definitely get together! (If we aren't in China!)

Woo hoo! I'm super stoked!

See ya SOON!

Live4him said...

THATS GREAT!! You better save a day for me so we can have a shopping latte day!! =D