Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I know I don't need to post everyday, but this, I must say, is ridiculous. When I began this blog, I was like, "Oh! I'm-so-going-to-post-everyday-for-as-long-as-I-live!" Pft. Whatevah!
Eventually, I suppose, life just gets to you. My life has been pretty crazy for a few months. Someday, if you stay tuned, I may just tell you. But! Not today. haha
So, this week, I was feeling something strange. Not pleasant. It wasn't my circumstances; I find it hard to think it could be better. And it's not that I wasn't happy; I've been very happy lately. But something was missing. Something important. And I figured it out. God was missing. Not completely, mind you. But He just wasn't as near as usual. I was quite frustrated for a while. I couldn't find out why He wasn't near even if to save my soul (no pun intended). I just felt very disconnected. So, on Sunday, I sat in service and thought about these things. And bam! It hit me. I hadn't read my Bible in a long time. Not a LONG time, but a while.
I learned (once again) that reading what God wrote to us is quite (very) important to staying in-love with God. If we don't read about Him, how will we know Him? And if we don't know Him, how can we love Him?
So, last night, I read my Bible for quite some time. And I felt much closer at the end. :)
Hey! Guess what. In one week, I'll be in Kaaaansas! I'm so excited to see everyone! Now, I must say, two weeks will be an awfully long time to be away from the posse here, but I'm sure I'll find many ways to stay busy in Kansas. There are so many to see!
Well, I must go. You know, I'm not even going to promise to write back tomorrow. haha. Love you! xoxo :)

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