Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hola! I hope your week is going well; here in Florida, we are having uh-maaaazing weather!!! Oh my goodness. It's so beautiful. We're finally out of the ninety degree weather. I don't know what the weather is today, but yesterday, it was very cool and breezy. At my house, we left all the windows open. So nice!

Let's see, what's new with me?

The other night, my family played UNO together. For those of you who know my family, you know this game was filled with passionate phrases like, "You are so going down," or ,"I'm going to clobber all of you," or if one of us loses, "I didn't want to make you feel bad; I'm just warming up.". I ended up losing because I had to take a phone call. :(

I spent the weekend with my friend, Sari! It was so much fun! I love her. Every time we're together, my gut ends up hurting from laughing so hard. I wish I had some pictures, but I don't. :( I know she has some though; I'll try to get them.

Last night, I stood outside looking at the stars. There were so many! At this point, I'm pretty sure God made them because He knew I'd love them so much. Impractical thought? Sure. But hey, sometimes it's best to be impractical.

Over all, this week was pretty good. Some are just really hard and I can't wait for them to be over; not this one. This one is better than most. It's a nice break.

I've been thinking lately about missions. I've always wanted to go to another country and help people, but this week I really want to. I don't want to just send money to an organization who tells someone who tells someone who tells someone to hold an orphan's hand (though that's better than nothing). I want to go over there and hold it myself. I want to help them personally. I want to talk with them and play with them and show them Jesus. I want to kiss their boo boos and wipe their tears and sing with them. I want to help the widow get an education to provide for her kids. I want to help the girl who was abused see that Jesus can heal her. I want to help them
But also, I want to be helped by them. I want them to help me see that there's a world outside my own. I want them to show me there are problems bigger than mine. I want them to make me see that there are other people in the world besides myself. I want them to show me Jesus.
I figure, once I get my nursing school over with, I'll go over to India or Africa and help out. I'm thinking I want to help with aftercare for the girls who are rescued from prostitution. What do you think?

Well, I have to go now. I have to get ready to spend the day at church with my mom. Have a great day! xoxo

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