Friday, October 30, 2009


Hey there! I don't have a lot of time (hence any typos), but I just felt like writing!
So, last night, I was outside talking to God. I didn't really feel like it though, honestly. It's not like I was upset with Him or anything, I was just not so excited about talking to him. Ever felt like that? I did.
But I wanted to feel Him. So, I started talking about how awesome He is. The Bible does say He dwells in the praises of His people (I learned this a few weeks ago, but have to re-learn it about every other week because I apparently don't have the best memory about that; it's always a new experience). Anyway, I was talking about these great things He made and how stinking cool it was.
Before I say what I'll say, let me say this. It was very hot (stupid florida) and there was no wind. I just wanted to go inside to the cool. It's usually cooler at night, but not last night.
Suddenly, I cool wind started to blow right in my face and all around. It felt like a taste of God's presence was brushing up against me, as if to say He was there listening and He loved spending time with me. Really? Yep.
This was even more special to me, because for a long time, I haven't felt Him so near; and for a while, I seriously thought He left (then discovered He was teaching me things all the while). So, this was a special moment for me!
Maybe this sounds silly, but I'm convinced for some reason that God loves to sit on my porch with me, that He loves stargazing with me, and that He loves sitting on top of the car with me. Why do I think this? Not sure. I'm not the most zesty company to be with sometimes. But I'm quite convinced anyway.
So for a while last night, we just sat and did nothing, just enjoying the night and each other's company.
Isn't it strange that the God who made the universe, who's power could wipe us all out, enjoys sitting with us and enjoying the breeze? So cool.
Well, I have to go now. I'm going to the fall fest tonight and I have to get my costume ready! Pictures to follow!

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