I'm actually writing this post to enter in a thing where people are sharing their hopes and needs, found at http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/ (sorry, my link thing wasn't working). A few questions which must be included are:
1. Do I tithe? Yes, I do.
2. What church do I attend? I attend Real Life Christian Church in Clermont Fl.
3. Am I involved in my church at all? Yes, very much so. I lead small groups, attend the youth group and the adult services, as well as other little groups and events.
4. What is my need? Well, here we go:
A few weeks ago, I was talking to my good friend on the phone who was in Kansas all summer last year at a camp. She was telling me about it.
The camp is hosted by the International House of Prayer. She said there's a part of the camp for learning how to lead worship and prayer meetings (which is so for me because worship is my heart), a part for general teachings and activities and a part about social justice where we'll serve the poor (another part of my heart).
Something snapped in me and I said, "Sari, I have to go... No, you don't understand, I must go to this camp this summer!" Right then, I felt something pulling me there, but I wanted to make sure it was worth it, so I asked on a scale of one to ten how much it changed her life. She said, "Sarah, I'm serious, probably a ten."
I looked up the information and to go, I'll probably need about $1500 to $2000 dollars. I will be gone for six to seven weeks learning about God and going deeper with Him and learning the things listed above. I will be staying with my good friend and her family, as well as visiting my own family there.
I have to go to this camp; I feel like God is planning to meet me there. I want to fall more in love with Him, to taste and be satisfied yet yearn for more of Him (if that makes sense). I want to love Him more and help people who need it. I know it may seem small to you, but this is so important to me.
Yes, this is a lot of money to earn. But if God wants me to go, He'll provide a way. However, I am working hard toward it. God won't provide if I'm just sitting around on my butt all day messing around. He'll provide, but I do plan on working for it.
The night I decided to go, I stayed up till 4:45am finding all I could sell to earn some money, as well as babysitting. I'm working very hard in school and at home and at peoples' homes so can earn my way. But I can't do it without God intervening.
I have about two months and twenty-six days to earn this money; about 87 days. Let's see what kind of miracles God does. ;)
P.S. If you'd like to make a donation, leave a comment. *hint hint* hehe ;)
Hey Sara
I found you through A Place Called Simplicity. As you may have read her last post was for us readers to click on links. Well I've just read yours and wanted to let you know that I know a bunch of people in KC connected with IHOP and other Christian ministries. I think my friend Casey will actually be leading there this summer. I will be praying for your finances (I fundraise too so I know how it is) but just wanted to let you know that if you need any KC connections I can help!
I am thankful you shared. Several in our church have attended IHOP...amazing ministry!
I am excited to see what God does through Crazy Love to help to meet your needs - He is so faithful!!
Hugs from Colorado! xo
What a Blessing!! Our family would love to contribute a little to your ministry... please email me at thedarlings06@comcast.net and let meknow where we should send it :)
God Bless you my friend!!
do you have a paypal account? If you do email me at talleyimages (at) yahoo (dot) com
Praying for you
hey sarah it's jenny haha i want 2 donate to your cause bc I think it would be a life changing experience for u i will start trying to put money aside for you and give it to you before you leave. luv u and think u will do great things and u are wonderful answered prayer in my life =)
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