Monday, February 25, 2013

It's About Time

On Saturday, I posted this picture on Facebook:

It was a picture I doodled in school and had left a few clues inside for you all to guess what my latest big news was. It wasn't all that mysterious or hard to figure out (I'm just attention-seeking at times and like to hear peoples' reactions), but I did get some fun comments. Now let me answer:

No, I am not adopting a baby from Ukraine (unfortunately).....yet.

No, I am not engaged or eloping with Cameron and spending my honeymoon in Ukraine. Though those comments highly amused me.

No, I am not changing light bulbs in town square.

And no, I am not searching for the elusive Singing Butterflies.

(Again, keep in mind there were clues in the picture, the picture in its entirety wasn't a clue)

A few of you, however, nailed it. Congratulations! 

And now for my announcement! After, of course, I preface. Don't you love me?


Ukraine, located in western Europe, is bordered by Russia, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia, Poland, and Belarus and sits beside the lovely Black Sea. It is a beautiful country that is full of rich culture and is home to approximately 45,706,100 people, 8,000,000 of whom are children. However, of these children, "some 96,000 live in state-run children's institutions such as orphanages..." (UNICEF) and a staggering 88,000, called "social orphans" are left there because they are disabled.

The sad fact is that many times, parents or caretakers simply do not know how to care for a child with special needs, and in some cases, the children are thought to be cursed and are often abandoned (this is seen in countless cultures). In many homes and orphanages, these children are left in their beds for most of their lives as their muscles atrophy, their bones develop deformed, and they are left starving for attention. Many die at a very young age. Mostly because people are not educated on how to care for their children.

As followers of a God who loves the needy and the orphans (whether physically or emotionally orphaned), we must step in and actively fight it; loving them, praying for/with them, and visiting them in their distress. Our urgent concern should be for them, just as the Lord's concern was for us when we were orphaned.

A way to step in and actively fight against these gruesome statistics is to prevent it. One place I know is doing just that. Hope Haven is a nonprofit school for children with disabilities which provides both education and therapy to those with special needs. It officially opened in 2011, is the first of its kind in its region and relies on sponsors from us here in America. It is an amazing opportunity for both child and parent and I believe it is a step in the direction of greatly reducing the number of abandoned disabled children. Coincidentally, it was founded by my boyfriends sweet mother, Amy, who is a physical therapist.and heads up various other projects to help the disabled community.

Which leads me to my news!

All of this is said to give back story to my upcoming trip to Ukraine with Amy and a team of others in early June for about two weeks! The dates are yet to be announced and the cost is approximately $1500 (about half the price of my past Africa trips). We will be staying at the school and working with the children as well as working with a program for street children and visiting a home for babies. It will be a full trip!

Isn't that exciting? I feel like I may burst! I can't wait to start and tell you about this amazing journey!

(Also, check out the new tab called, "The Mission" toward the top of the page, which was created to keep everyone updated on my latest missions endevors, as I am combining my missions blog with All Things Considered.)

For anyone wishing to support me financially, there will be information soon on where exactly to send the money.

For those of you who support me in prayer, please pray for the following:
  • That God would prepare our hearts to love the people of Ukraine and minister to their specific needs.
  • That He would strengthen us spiritually, as we can expect spiritual warfare any time we are heavily involved in ministry.
  • That He would provide for me and my team the finances to go.
  • That He would prepare the hearts of the Ukrainians to accept His love.
I cannot thank you all enough!