Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey, everyone! Sorry. I know it's been, like, forever since I've been on. I've been super busy. 
Anyways, I don't have a lot of time, but I was writing in my journal last night and thought I'd share with you what I wrote and what's been on my mind. So here's what I wrote:
   I've been thinking. Ever since I was little, I've wanted to make a difference; change the world maybe. But, I've always been  a realistic thinker. So I've always just assumed it was pretty much impossible. 
   But I had a revelation the other night. Suddenly, I thought, why not?! Why can't I? After all, God is with me. So what's stopping us? After God, all we need is courage, bravery, spunk, practicality, and faith. God has already done unimaginable things in my life. I have a feeling it's just the beginning. If that's true, what will He do next? God is going to do something huge; of that, I have no doubt.
   I think God has big plans for me. But then, of course He does. It truly does make sense. If He didn't have an important purpose for me, He wouldn't have made me. Why would He go through the trouble for nothing? It's just not practical.
   The reason that only few make a difference is because only few decide to. Many, too many, decide it's impossible to change the world, so they don't even try. They decide to leave it to someone else. Well, if everyone did that, there would be no one left to make a difference.
   Well, not me. I won't say it. It is possible, and I won't look back later and realize I've waster too many days waiting for the world to change. Jesus won't come back and find me sitting on my behind.
    With God, all things are possible. Even the things I don't think of. So me and God, we will make a difference. We will change the world. It won't be easy. It will take everything in us, but we will...


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Oh Sarah...once again, you blow me away with your godliness. You are so right, God WILL use you in a BIG WAY!! Your purpose on this earth is special and unique and oh how God is so delighted that you are willing to obey Him.

You totally ROCK and I'm so giddy that I get to call you friend. And someday when you are the next Beth Moore..I will be able to say, yep I knew her when...

Love ya!

Live4him said...

Oh sarah, thats GREAT! your completely right and I can't wait to see what God does for you! I really need to visit you, i haven't seen you in forever! I will write or something =) k
ttyl and God does have something Great for you =D

Kasen Luv said...

OML!!!! Now we are ready to head out to India! OML chika! You are so amazing! I love to read your blogs they touch me each time! I can almost here you saying these words!! You are just too great! So happy that we are friends!
Missing you!