Thursday, April 9, 2009

What is up

Hello there! You know, I'm just so sorry. I feel like I'm letting you all down by posting so rarely. Oh well! ;)
So what have I been up to? School! A lot of of it! I have to finish this simester (which I just started a couple of months ago, right after the last one) before this fall because I'm enrolling at a college here. Of course, I have to pass the entrence exam first. I'm nervous. I hope I'm smart enough!
Well, I don't have much to say for now, but I do ask you to pray for wisdom for me. I need it and I suppose one can never have enough! Anyways, I have to go, but before I do, I'll leave you with a few pictures of me and my wonderous friend, Kasen when she was here on spring break. Love you all!


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Oh thank you...I've been missing your quirky, yet wise and humorous blog posts!

I hope you are planning a visit back to your real home (Kansas) this summer! We could plan a girls' night out!

Great pictures!!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Oh that would be SO fun! We so need to do that.

Kasen Luv said...

Sarah you are right that you have not posted frequently enough, but I have not read enough and for that I apologize! :( But i miss you sooo much and I love those pics you look amazing in all of them and I look...decent enough I assume! Come visit when you can! Kansas needs you (or it needs to make due without me) either way....miss you so much!
Cherry Berry!

Kasen Luv said...

O and one other thing that I thought that I'd never be able to do and that's simester is spelt-semester!! I feel smart! :) :P Love you!