This has been the hardest few months I've had; it hasn't always been fun, but I'm so grateful for them and the opportunity to learn new things and the many blessings I've received over them. I was thinking a little bit ago about my past and the hard times and I realized, God was always there. He was always there with me even if I didn't think He was. He's always been faithful to me; faithful to be with me and provide me with whatever I need, whether it's love, wisdom, or a good friend.
I was just thinking the other night when I was chatting with Jesus, "Really? Who am I? Who am I that You think of me, let alone look on me and still love me? What did I do that you even think of blessing me?"
Really, God doesn't make much sense to me a lot of the time, to be honest. I usually don't understand why He does the things He does. I really don't deserve to be blessed, and I tell Him so, but He doesn't really seem to consider that. I think He just ignores me when I try to tell Him so. ;)
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that God really is with us all the time. He really is faithful. For real.
Well, I just wanted to talk to you and tell you what's up. I actually can't really tell you what's up, but I'm doing well. Thank you for your prayers; they mean a lot. Well, I have to go, but I hope to write back soon if life doesn't pass by too quickly. ;)
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