Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Guess what. I'm in Kansas! I bet you knew that, but I thought it bared repeating. The weather today was rainy and cold. I'd say forties. I was a-shiverin'!
Oh! On Sunday night, I went to Ihop (International House of Prayer). It was amazing! I went because my friend said that recently, God's presence was so strong there, that many people have been barely able to speak. So me and my friend went together.
Oh goodness. It was amazing.
There were hundreds of people there and worship was amazing. Misty Edwards led it. One of the songs was "Revelation Song" (if you haven't heard it, you've got to look it up). By the middle of the song, I could barely sing and mascara stains in the shapes of tear drops covered my shirt. It just struck me how Holy He truly is. He's so holy and how privileged are we to enter His throne room. We're only humans and He is God. How can we speak?
After worship, we had prayer. That was awesome. People were getting healed and God was there. It was amazing.
There were also baptisms. It was so cool! You would've loved it. Some people got saved and baptised that very night! I think there were over fourteen baptisms and every time, there were people surrounding them praying and hundreds of people cheering. It was so great.
Throughout the night (we were there about seven hours), I was wondering why it seemed so right, like this was how it should be. And it occurred to me, "Well, duh. This is what we were made for," Firstly, for worship. Secondly, for community. It was truly what I believe heaven will be like. Being with God (only more so than now), singing forever without losing your voice, and being with other People of God.
At the end, they played a joyful song and we all sang and danced.
It was one of those perfect moments that you hope you'll never forget; where problems fade and glory is revealed. It was heavenly.
Oh! And at the end, this random lady, who I've never seen before, came up to me and said, "The Lord gave me a word to give to you," I, astonished, said, "Me?" She nodded and walked away. I read the paper she gave me. It talked about how my beauty captivated the King and how He knows my heart and sees the desires He placed in my heart and longs to fulfill them if I let Him; how He'll show me things that can't be seen with the naked eye and how He'll take me on a great adventure. It said other things too.
I smiled the whole time I read it.
What's funny, is I had someone else tell me a word from God only a week before. I had prayed in church and the lady I was praying with said, "I felt like God wanted me to tell you that He is very pleased with you and who you are; not by what you do, who you are."
I do not get words from God every day, or every week, or every month. So this is very exciting for me and I can't wait to see where it leads. :)
Well, I didn't expect this to be so long, but I got excited. haha. Well, may you have a wonderful week, enjoying this fall weather!

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