Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hey everyone! Just a quick post.
Just letting you know that things are going well here and God has been close to me. I'm learning to trust Him more every day.
Trusting has always been hard for me. I haven't trusted people and found it hard to trust God. People have just let me down too often, quite frankly. But I've been learning this past year that though people aren't perfect, God is. And He always will be. He's worth trusting and He won't let me down. It's something I've had to keep in mind lately. He wants (and knows) not only what's best for me, but for the ones I love too. 
Well, I have to go. But Lori! That post about Brenden was...I don't even know. Disturbing! Haha. Anyways, I'll try to write tomorrow!

1 comment:

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Disturbing, very much so. The kid keeps me cracking up though so I gotta admit...even his buns on the fridge stunt made me laugh!