Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hello! I will have you know that according to Blogger, this is my 100th post! Yay for All Things Considered! I remember back when I started in the Summer of '08......such a young, innocent blogger....ironically, that was the same Summer I rededicated my life to God. Crazy! Now here we are....

And for my 100th post, I would like to share a story! Grab a lemonade on this hot Summer day and join me :)

(Cheese Warning; and I'm not talkin' about cheddar)

471 days ago, I attended a conference called Acquire the Fire in Tampa, which my youth pastor had asked me to go to. I knew hardly anyone in our group, but was glad for the opportunity to go, regardless of my social skills or lack thereof. Luckily, several in the group were warm and welcomed me in as one of their own.....however, in the shuffle of finding seating, my newly found friends were seated far from me and I was stuck sitting by people I had never seen in my life. In the last row. Of the entire Sun Dome Arena. I could barely see the stage, it was dark, and I knew no one. "B-but God...."

As I sat there sulking, I looked around me. To my right was a couple in our group who I recognized but didn't know well, in front of me were people who weren't in my group and therefore didn't know, and to my left was a guy from our group whom I could barely see.

"Well this sucks." I mean, I knew I was there for Jesus and whatnot, but really? It was going to be a long weekend....

As the service started and as we sat through a rather lengthy drama, the guy to my left occasionally made quite humorous comments about the predictable outcome of said drama. I laughed, "Huh, this isn't so bad....". He and I had a great time, bantering back and forth throughout the night (don't worry, he also knew when to be quiet. Like when I was sobbing as God spoke to me - but that's another story. He must have thought I was crazy).

That night I asked one of my room mates, "Hey, uh, what's that guy's name who I sat by?"
"Oh, I think his name is Cameron."
"Oh," I said nonchalantly, "Cool."

Cameron and I were pretty much instantly friends after that weekend. Our senses of humor blended perfectly and we would talk any and all chances we had. At first, we talked about music (it is a rare person indeed that can not only put up with, but appreciate my diverse musical selections), then about our days and funny stories of things that happened. As we grew closer, we talked about God, our pasts......and still about our love for music of course. Somehow, we didn't run out of things to talk about.....

(Cameron and I mostly hung out in group settings with my loud, obnoxious, fun, amazing friends. This is clearly an old picture. I think everyone in looks attractive, no?)

I had a painful past that I was still healing from (which Cameron ended up helping with quite a bit through prayer, encouragement, and as always, a good laugh), therefore, I was very much terrified of falling for anyone. Sometimes the very thought suffocated me. But like every good story, I just couldn't help it....

(For Halloween, as you may recall, we dressed up as lumberjacks. Don't worry, his hair is a wig and our axes are home-made. Maybe....)

One day, which seems like years ago in a way, he came over and told me he had fallen for me (to which, some said, "Finally". Apparently, they had known all along).

I was scared out of my skin and so very happy....

And the rest is history, so to speak (of course there is more to the story, but to type it out would take about 32 years. Come ask me about it, if you have a couple extra hours, a good cup of coffee, and are in the mood for a crazy story)......

Cameron is my hero (second to Jesus of course). He puts up with my sarcasm, my goofy laugh, and my seemingly ever increasing absent-mindedness. He has seen me through extremely dark times, has had his shirt soaked with my tears, and gets to hear about all my silly worries, all the while pointing me back to Who I should really be focusing on. It's hard living so far from each other now, but as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder......

I say all this to say, meet my boyfriend, Cameron.

Cameroon, you're a blessing to me. I thank God for you every day and pray for you often. I have no clue where He's taking us, but I know it's going to be a grand adventure. We've overcome several obstacles and I know there will be many more, but I know God will be with us. Whether we're together forever or not, I pray God's blessings exceed what you ever hoped; I know He loves you even more than I do. Thank you for being an astounding pew-buddy, fellow music-appreciator, movie-partner, board game-player, dessert-lover, and all around awesome friend.
Love, Sarah

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